Snowy Madison

I thought it might be fun to show a picture of our house less than two weeks before we leave. It's been sunny of late, but we do still have a good amount of snow on the ground as you can see in this picture.
I'd also like to send a shout out to my friends and coworkers at Epic who are following this Blog. Yesterday was my last day at work there, and while I've been too busy to really think about what it means to be temporarily unemployed, I'll certainly miss the folks I worked with when I get a new job.
First comment, yay! I'll be praying lots for y'alls!
11:52 AM
boy, you were up late blogging! I'll be praying for you guys!
11:53 AM
oh i see now why my comments aren't appearing. there's a little thingy at the top that says you have to approve it first. Probably so I don't post things like Wie heeften vinche helaten (SP??) on here.
11:54 AM
I hope Charlotte for cross-cultural orientation has been good. Safe travels across the ocean. We look forward to hearing from you, and let us know if you need anything that we can bring for you.
4:46 PM
Hey Frank, We will definitely miss you here. I didn't get a chance to say goodbye on Wed but it has been great working from you. All the way from that corner office at Main, to your corner office in TDS...hey...who do you know to keep getting corner offices?
Well anyway, you missed another PSE today. ;-) I'll be praying for the both of you on your trip. I wish you the best. Take care!
-David G.
1:01 PM
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